Friday, April 30, 2010

Objects in mirror are higher than they appear

Back from the hospital yesterday; I am out of green besides the resin in my pipe... so I smoked that. I was going to save it until my friends finally got things together and sent me a box of goodies (which I'm still looking forward to by the way).

I was reminded of the one of the first rules of being stoned: ALWAYS TREAT YOURSELF AS IF YOU'RE MORE STONED THAN YOU ARE (there is a decent chance you are anyway). It has been so long since I stoned on a regular basis that I'd forgotten that I'm actually more stoned than I think I am. After all, I'm stoned what the fuck do I know. It was a close call that I pulled myself back from going upstairs to go get food, even with a nice stash down here already.

With difficulty, I contained myself, locking myself in my room with cheez-its and my computer. I watched the sperm and eggs on my itunes visualizer dance to the music. Then blogged. I'm having to relearn all the lessons I knew before anyway. So much for experience.

Green: Resin
Instrument: SandStripe (Stripe for short) will explain more about him later
Tunes: The Beatles
Quests: Listening to itunes

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